Meet. Learn. Share. Celebrate.
A monthly newsletter for our United Community.

Summer is not obligatory. We can start an infernally hard jigsaw puzzle in June with the knowledge that, if there are enough rainy days, we may just finish it by Labor Day, but if not, there’s no harm, no penalty. We may have better things to do.
Nancy Gibbs

Sheesh, how is it June already, and why does time fly the older we get? Who can remember how every year felt like 10 years when you were 12 or 13, and you wanted to grow up so bad? Now we’re telling our kids not to grow up; adulthood is a trick! 

Happy Pride Month to all of you in our United family who are a part of the LGBTQ Community. 

Kids are out of school for the year or almost out of school, and we hope you have some fun plans for the summer with them and make some awesome new memories. The yard work or jigsaw puzzle can wait because you may have better things to do; make the most of this time with your kiddos.

Congratulations to the parents of graduates, big and small – enjoy celebrating their accomplishments. 

We would like to wish all the wonderful fathers in our United family a very Happy Father’s Day, may your day be wonderfully spent (grilling), haha

A quick look back at May 2023

New Vehicles Sold:

Used Vehicles Sold:

New & Used Vehicles Serviced:

United Nissan
New: 153
Used: 112
Total: 265
Top retail salesperson: Christopher Cadot with 26 billed units
Top service writer: Roque Ibarra with $104,565 in customer pay sales
Top technician: Daniel Riojas with 363 flagged hours

United Nissan Reno
New: 77
Used: 72
Total: 149
Top salesperson: Bradly Presson with 19.5 billed deals
Top service writer: Randy Madayag with $138,194 in customer pay sales
Top technician: Sam Hitchborn with 263 flagged hours

United Toyota
New: 125
Used: 66
Total: 191
Top salesperson: Carlos Abundis with 18 billed deals
Top service writer: Miguel Perez with $67,803 in customer pay sales
Top technician: Erick Lara with 220 flagged hours

Nissan Imperial
New: 39
Used: 22
Total: 61
Top salesperson: Jose Carbajal with 20 billed units
Top service writer: Edwin Saldana with $40,774 in customer pay sales
Top technician: Angel Lujano with 171 flagged hours

United Kia
New: 50
Used: 26
Total: 76
Top salesperson: Danitza Morgan with 14.5 billed deals
Top service writer: Flavio Stevens with $43,228 in customer pay sales
Top technician: Bernard Tamayo with 190 flagged hours

We appreciate all the effort and hard work you all are putting in and can’t say enough about how thankful we are to have you be part of our United Family.

Spin your wheels with some trivia 

What little critters can only be seen walking around in the months of May and June?

May Trivia: With the exception of 1945 and 2020, this event has been happening in May every year since 1875; what is it?

Answer: The Kentucky Derby. It is the longest continuously held sporting event in the US. It was postponed in 1945 due to a wartime ban on horse racing, and in 2020, it was delayed until September as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Giving back

The Surprise Squad met Jaxon, an incredibly brave 6-year-old who saved his 2-year-old brother from drowning. With help from the Surprise Squad, Jaxon was given his very own hero parade by the Las Vegas Fire and Rescue, Las Vegas Marshalls, EMT, and more to celebrate his bravery. Jaxon’s story is a reminder to be vigilant with our little ones around the pool now that summer is upon us: WATCH HERE.

Over the span of a couple of years, Doris was met with an unfortunate health diagnosis and then faced with homelessness due to being a victim of a rental scam. Thankfully, the Surprise Squad heard about her story and were able to give her some much-needed help as she lost all of her belongings as a result of the rental scam. Doris now has furniture in her apartment thanks to charitable donations from a local community charity and some financial help from United Nissan to get her out of a very dark period she was in. When the community comes together, great things happen: WATCH HERE.

Do you know someone you would like to nominate for the Surprise Squad? Hop onto the website and tell us about them.

Birthday Cheer!

We are wishing a very happy birthday to everyone celebrating their birthday in June. Warmest wishes to you all on your special day, and thank you for all that you do.

Brian R. Erickson
Julian S. Jacinto
George E. Park
Anthony L. Baca
April Bellefeuille
Frankie Buford
Esmeralda Camacho Uribe
Michelle Collazo
Jonathan Dodge
Marvin Gamarro
Juan C. Garcia-Zazueta
Jarrett Grosse
Brian Hinckley
Goran Jevtinijevic
Elias Jones
Daniel MacGavin
Enrique Odell
Darren T. Petty
Daniel Ramirez Ocampa
Jose Ramirez

Juan Zaleta
Elias Ruiz
Gustavo Romero
Mario A. Gutierrez Lopez
Jose E. Nolasco
Daniel Figueroa
Antonio G. Lau
Marco Ortega
Jazmine Navarro
Juan R. Perez
Juan C. Rosales
Erick E. Lara
Kimberley A. Wren
Roxana Cordero
Richard Sandoval
Rogelio Ruiz
Luis Rodriguez Alvarez
Pablo Rodriguez
Jeanine Thompson

Congratulations to Kimberley A. Wren from United Nissan Imperial on being this month’s Birthday raffle winner. Happy Birthday Kimberley! Wishing you much happiness on your special day.

National Day of Who Knows What? Did You Know?

June 02 – National Bubba Day (Do any of you have a Bubba? I have one)
June 08 – National Best Friends Day
June 19 – National Martini Day
June 23 – Let it Go Day

Days You Should Know

June 18 – Father’s Day

Health and Wellness Break

June is Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month. Your brain is kind of a big deal, so you want to make sure you’re taking care of it. Here are some foods that can help you keep your brain in peak working condition. Most of these are foods we can have every day, so if you’re eating your eggs and drinking coffee in the morning, you’re already on the right track.

  1. Fatty Fish: On the top of the list where brain foods are concerned is fatty fish because your brain uses Omega-3s to build brain and nerve cells, which are essential for learning and memory. Fatty fish include salmon, trout, and sardines.
  2. Coffee: Increases alertness, improves mood, and sharpens concentration, thanks to caffeine and antioxidants.
  3. Berries: Blueberries, in particular, have antioxidant properties and anti-inflammatory effects that can help delay brain aging.
  4. Turmeric: Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, can cross the blood-brain barrier, enter the brain, and benefit the cells there. It can benefit memory,
  5. Eggs: We get vitamins B6, B12, folate, and choline from eggs. These nutrients are linked to brain health, regulate mood, and promote brain function and development. 

Some other foods that aid in brain health are nuts, dark chocolate, green tea, oranges, and pumpkin seeds.

4 Simple Everyday Life Hacks

1. Did you forget to put the drinks to chill?

2. Make your popsicle fun and eliminate sticky fingers at the same time. 

3. Avoid spills on your beach towel or picnic blanket.

4.  Don’t water down your wine.

This Day in History

June 14, 1777 – John Adams introduced a resolution before Congress mandating a United States flag, stating, “…that the flag of the thirteen United States shall be thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white on a blue field, representing a new constellation.” This anniversary is celebrated each year in the U.S. as Flag Day.

A Little Humor Goes a Long Way

In honor of Father’s Day!

What do you call a person who is not a dad who makes dad jokes?… A Faux Pa.

Do you have a special talent?

Do you have a special talent? A blog or YouTube channel? Are you a content creator on social media and would like to increase your followers? Send us your information or account handle, and we will publish it in our newsletter to get the word out there. We know for a fact that there are many of you in our United family with talents, and we would like nothing more than to be able to share that within our community. Send any video or work you want to share to us at [email protected].

If you have any questions or suggestions for our newsletter, please reach out and let us know what you’re thinking. There’s always room for improvement, so tell us what you would like to see more or less of. Send us happy birthday wishes, farewells, and/or congratulations you might have for your coworkers. Enjoy your Father’s Day weekend, and Happy Newsletter Day.

He never looks for praises.
He’s never one to boast.
He just goes on quietly working
for those he loves the most.

― Karen K. Boyer

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